Hours: 24
Last night I got started work on a template for the dewey decimal signage, that will fit Bexley Library's sign holders. I would have considered replacing these, however they appear to be brass and screwed to the shelving units themselves. The dewey cards that will slide into these brass slots, will be 3x5, and I'm considering color, font size, typeface and what variety of paper they should be printed on. I sent an email to Mackenzie about the Bexley's "official" typeface if they have one.
Today I've been able to get in a good hour or so working on filling in the dewey cards for the stacks.
Currently, the library has extremely specific labels for each row, in which they use actual author names to indicate what (more precisely who) is in that row. For example, "Abbey-Baltuck"/Balzac-Boccaccio." I appreciate this idea, however it's not particularly practical as it doesn't include the entire range of the alphabet. So with the revisions I'm creating, I'm simplifying to:
Using up to three letters allows for larger font size, and therefore more readable from a distance.
I finished the templates tonight for the fiction stacks. Luckily I had about 4 hours to work on it. By the way, I'm using Photoshop CS4.
I also began searching for HI-RES author media images for the endcaps. The quality of the images will determine, to some extent, what gets used. So far, some very nice images of Margaret Atwood, Haruki Murakami, Junot Diaz and Ian McKewan.
For inspiration...
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