Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 25

Love the imagination behind this! Great way to tackle a unique space problem.

"From 12-packs of paper towels to The Count of Monte Cristo: A deserted Wal-Mart in McAllen, Texas, is stocking a new kind of item on its shelves."

"Some of the library’s more charming features include what Horan calls “mega-pendants,” or large signs emblazoned with genre names and designed to make the lofty ceilings seem a little lower."

"Under them are reading nooks they call “respites.” The library also features a quiet room, several computer labs, a small volunteer-run bookstore, and a cafĂ©."

Thursday, August 23, 2012

August 23

Over the past several months, I've considered the Ingalls Library and Museum Archives, and the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Library and Archive, but had to rule these out due to travel concerns... it just wasn't realistic. So, having already met with the director of the Billy Ireland Cartoon Library & Museum, however, logistically it was bad timing unfortunately. A year ago, I was planning on parlaying an internship experience at the Columbus Museum of Art, into a practicum. But the library was mostly in need of an archivist or a cataloger. Neither pulled me in that direction, so I opted out. While looking around for other options, I spoke to the Director of the Bexley Public Library, Rachel Rubin about a potential project that involved my area of interest: Visual communication within the physical space of the "brick and mortar" library. As much as the focus is turning towards the web presence a library presents, I still enjoy getting my hands "dirty" as it were, and producing "objects" within a public space. Considering that this might be an opportunity that would lead to the fabrication of some of my ideas involving signage, and the general changes in the aesthetics of a space, I jumped at it. So that's where I'm at, much of what I'll be working on is "theoretical" really, but I'll will be atleast creating examples which can be eventually fabricated. Next step? Perusing and taking notes in the stacks of the Bexley Library!

Daily log: 2.0 hours